My age.
That's right. I hit the big 2-5 today.
I'll be honest. I feel a little detached from my body. My brain is pretty much sort of that of a 25 year old. BUT:
- My level of maturity fluctuates between that of a 4 year old and a 25 year old depending on whether it's crimson tide time, my level of hunger, tiredness and boredom;
- My appearance varies between a 15 year old to a 21 year old depending on if I'm wearing trackpants teamed with nerdy glasses, and sans make up or, proper going out clothes somewhat coordinated;
- My voice will perpetually be that of an 12-15 year old;
- My height will forever be that of a 14 year old;
So, for the most part I don't feel quarter of a century old.
I wonder if I'll "grow" into it?
Anyhow, numbers and sums aside, here are some highlights from my lovely birthday in no particular order:
- Man from Mars outdid himself and cooked up a storm. Dinner was dijon mustard chicken with beans and rice. Dessert swiftly followed: A mountainous chocolate cake topped with lashings of icing. Present was brandished soon after from the depths of his closet: A portable dvd player to keep my boredom on my busrides to Canberra at bay. I was astounded upon astounded to say the least. Marvellous cooking, super dessert and a practical present- Man from Mars sure hit the jackpot. What a star.
- Masterchef Sister did some spectacular mindreading and succeeded in selecting the perfect Little Black Bag for me. As someone who has been hauling a large oversized tote (read: huge black bag the size of a potato sack) around for the past year and a half, this perfect Little Black Bag is the perfect accessory to every outfit. I feel as classy as Grace Kelly. And very high society indeed.
- Masterchef Sister then navigated the dangerous city streets and embarked upon a spree at Andriano Zumbo's patissier in Balmain. Cue: A mind boggling selection of intricate, delicious cakes- so complex and delicate, you wouldn't believe it until you've cracked through all the layers upon layers and see how much skill and ingenuity has gone into each little cake.
- Work people organised a "surprise!" cake- 3:30itis was warded off with lashings of cake, cream and mango .
So, I had a lovely day getting older.
In other news, how pointless is this argument:
Man from Mars: "Speaking of the Devil there it is!"
Me: "It's Speak of the Devil not Speaking"
Man from Mars: "Nah, it's Speaking of the Devil, because you are speaking about someone"
Me: "Nah, it's SPEAK! I swear to GOD"
Man from Mars: "Don't swear to God, that's bad form"
Me: "Yeah especially if you're speaking of the Devil"
Me and Man from Mars: *Hor hor hor!*
--Well it was funny at the time, okay???