There's a segment on my Zumba dvd that centres on Chubby Checker's "The Twist". We (me and the dancers on the dvd) all twist and swivel, jiving and developing the move as we bend our knees lower and lower, until our bums almost kiss the floor. It's an incredibly satisfying section of the dvd because a) everyone can do the twist and b) the music makes you feel like you've been transported back to the time of Kennedy when jukeboxes reigned supreme and a night out meant a night on the dance floor.
Carrying on with the "twist" theme, this weekend was a time for more twisting and flexing-- but of the digestive kind.
Miss EBae and I kicked it off on Friday with a spontaneous meal at Maccas. I say "spontaneous" because the plan may have been to go somewhere with a little more pizazz-- i.e. not fast food. But it was our meeting place, and as we waited for my sister to turn up before we went to the Not-Sure-Where, -But-Somewhere-With-A-Bit-More-Pizazz eatery, the smell of burgers and french paper, I mean fries, became all too much and we succumbed. It was cheap, it was easy, it was awesome.
Carrying on with the "twist" theme, this weekend was a time for more twisting and flexing-- but of the digestive kind.
Miss EBae and I kicked it off on Friday with a spontaneous meal at Maccas. I say "spontaneous" because the plan may have been to go somewhere with a little more pizazz-- i.e. not fast food. But it was our meeting place, and as we waited for my sister to turn up before we went to the Not-Sure-Where, -But-Somewhere-With-A-Bit-More-Pizazz eatery, the smell of burgers and french paper, I mean fries, became all too much and we succumbed. It was cheap, it was easy, it was awesome.
Saturday was spent with Mrs Rocke and as we trotted in after only providing a couple of hours notice, Mrs Rocke reprimanded us with: "We'll have to make do with leftovers in the fridge because tomorrow is my shopping day!" Leftovers? More like the best antipasto platter that could rival any restaurant and a grand pear tart to end! We left her place rotund and sleepy, satisfied from a good day of eating effort.
By the way, it's Mrs Rocke's 87th birthday tomorrow:
And so regrettably, today marked the end of our eating weekend. We finished it with a Tiger Pie from Harry's. My parents rocked their sun visors and boat hats while they were at it: