Hi luvvies, it's been donkeys years between posts. Sincerest apologies for those kind folk who are still following. I blame it on Man from Mars. No, not really, I blame myself, but he is partially responsible because in a fortunate twist of (work) fate, he's been in Jervis Bay during the week and then in Sydney on weekends. 100% weekend contact in the month of March- happy days, with a backseated blog.
In the meantime, I've come full circle.
Over the last couple of months I've been fretting a bit about what I should be doing with my career. I've been up the "why did I do law?" tree, down the "what suits me?" hill and everywhere in between. As you do, I even went and saw a pricey career counsellor in the optimistic hope that she would be able to figure it all out for me based on a measly questionnaire and a review of my resume.
Sadly, although not unexpectedly, she didn't. Although she did give me some interesting insights into the kinds of environments I'm happiest in and what sort of person I am.
After seeing her, I was still in career limbo. Ms CalmFarm put me in touch with her Guru, Sir VJ Singh and he gave me golden beads of wisdom-- words to the effect that the world is always full of opportunities; it'll never be short of them, but it will be a matter of our own limitations holding us back and keeping us from taking them on.
A couple of weeks on, and a good dump of positivity later, I'm no more decided on where I'm headed, but not so concerned about it anymore either. I figure that it will work itself out and in the meantime I should be happy with what I have. The rest will flow afterwards.
BTW, did I tell you? Man from Mars and I are planning a trip to Europe in August. I know, Europe! Oui Oui, Eiffel Tower, here we come!
Here's some pictures of the month gone by. Incidentally, there aren't many pictures because I switched handbags at the beginning of March and left my trusty camera behind.
[A dusky rainbow as I sit at the bus stop:]

[Mexican at Cafe

[A trip down memory lane with the soon to be Mrs
Shipp and Pony Express:]

[Hanging out near Uni, duck sauce stained and proud:]

[Pretending to be in a
tute at
UTS after a massive effort at Paddy's Markets. Happy memories:]