I can't be bothered to write! Today is dedicated to pictures and brevity.
Oh, but I do need to tell you one thing. Miss IrishEyepatch's OIRISH accent is so misleading that when we were discussing lunch plans and a possible shopping trip to break up the day, I misheard her "Okay, we'll go to Myer", as "Okay we'll go tomorra!"
Initially, I thought to myself "Maybe she doesn't want to walk that far today. But curious and curiouser, Miss IrishEyepatch never gets sore legs! She runs marathons for Chrissake!" and then when she mosied down to my pod and asked "Are we still going to Myer" (except it still sounded like "Are we still going tomorra?") I was totally confused.
We laughed and laughed because Mr Hussy and Jathon both thought she was saying "tomorra" and not "to Myer".
It was uproariously funny.
Some pictures.
[Lunch at Mrs Rocke's with the family-- or as Mr Hussy says "the fambly" (he's in the depths of The Grapes of Wrath):]

[Mrs Rocke's remarkable garden- Solomon's Seals and other delightful flowers:]

[Man from Mars stayed for the whole week. He wanted to watch tv but I wanted some peace and quiet to read, so on came his headphones and he listened to the tv while eating his dessert:]

[We cooked up a storm- chicken drumsticks, salad and rosemary and potato bread:]

[Pasta- or more like minestrone soup/pasta sauce:]
[Jathon and Mr Hussy rode really far on some Saturday morning, for some bike marathon:]

[Miss IrishEyepatch, the Farah and me in Hyde Park-- tiny little whiff of Chateaux de Versailles right there:]

[Miss IrishEyepatch and the Farah:]

[Miss LondonLook gets some love and roses from her man. The females in the office swooned. The men in the office looked away in despair. The standard for the perfect specimen of a boyfriend just went up that extra notch and the men prickled with mild panic:]

[Miss Tiny and the BuMaster:]

[Level 1 was off limits on Friday- it was getting re-tiled. I still pressed Level 1 though- them fools. A paper sticker does not an off limits area make!:]

Is that a real OWL? I literally did a triple take. It's fake, Man from Mars deadpanned. We found it in the trendiest of trendy corners of Surry Hills:

[Steps and busy patterns:]

[Miss IrishEyepatch and her beau- such a sporty, sweet and suitable couple:]

[Man from Mars and I:]

[Stars of Old Hollywood:]

[Miss IrishEyepatch and her beau:]

[Coogie after we leave Miss IrishEyepatch's pad:]

[Stuff the Bus with GOODIES! (It's the Xmas Appeal)]

[Sunday relaxation while Man from Mars was getting a haircut:]

[A tiny whiff of the Roman Forum right in the middle of Kingsford:]

And that is all.