It's a proven fact that I spend too much time sitting down. My bum is shot to pancake heaven.
On weekdays I go to work. I sit down. I switch on my computer. I work until lunch. At lunch I might walk, say, 200 m to the park. I sit down on the grass at the park and ponder that the walk was kind of far, considering. After lunch it's back to my desk where I sit down and work again. Then I walk 2 blocks to the station, jog down the stairs (I call this "my cardio vascular component"), get on a train and I sit for another 45 minutes. I get home and sit while I eat dinner and watch tv.
On the weekends I go to Canberra it's almost 4 hours on a bus one way. Watching my trusty dvd player. Then I get off the bus, sit in Man from Mars' car to get to his house all of 3 blocks away, which, frankly if I could've been arsed, I could've walked. My bum is numb, my jeans are uncomfy and when I get to his house, all I want to do is relax, eat food-- sit down some more and chill.
This weekend was the start of the Banish the Pancake Bum Program. I devised it myself-- with the obliging participation of Man from Mars, of course. I'm too unmotivated to do things on my own. I need that proverbial kick up my pancake flat backside- Plus, I never called myself an Independent Can Do Woman, okay??
Anyway, back to my Program. On Saturday, Man from Mars and I went rockclimbing. That's right we climbed rocks. We woke up, had a huge breakfast and revved ourself up to tackle those boulders. There's only one rock climbing center in Canberra- go figure. It was airless, had no airconditioning and it was 35C outside, which meant that it was 38 degrees or something inside. After a quick run through with the instructor we were on our way and I was heaving my body up a high wall speckled with little "rocks".
Damn, it was hard work. I felt almost like Lara Croft minus the ample bosom, trendy outfit and fast reflexes. I think I did about 4 walls before my arms could take no more and I retired to the chairs that old people spectators are meant to use. Man from Mars did pretty well too, although to be honest I don't think he found it as fun as I did. When I proclaimed "That was so fun", Man from Mars ambled next to me and said: "It was o-kay". But then again, most things are pretty o-kay with him, so I couldn't tell if he meant it in a bad way or a good way.
Second part of my Pancake Bum busting program was riding my bike. It's been three weeks since I've ridden my bike and I've almost mastered riding in a straight line- not bad for my third time on my bike ever, hey?
We went to the park near Man from Mars' house and even though I kept zigzagging off the bike path, we rode for a good hour and a half before we went to Dickson to get some good old Vietnamese food.
This morning I ached all over. My forearms are full of lactic acid, my shoulders are tight and my abs feel overstretched. And as for my bum? Well, if bums could speak I think mine would've hurled abuse at me. It was that tired.
Sorry bum, but it's for your own good. I'm going to keep giving you some o' that lovin' and soon you'll be Pancake Bum no more.
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