Me: I have all my stuff because I'm staying at my sister's tonight. I bought my make up, you wanna see?
Mr Hussy: (doesn't get a chance to reply)
Me: This is moisturiser. You put it on at the very beginning. Mr Hussy inspects obligingly.
And this is foundation, you put it on next. Mr Hussy nods, like the perfect prodigee.
Then this is the powder, you put it on to keep everything in place throughout the day
Mr Hussy: Is this powder? How do you put it on? (I ignore him)
Me: Then this is the blush, that you put on your cheeks (I show him a palate with 2 different colours amongst a vast array of eyeshadow squares)
Mr Hussy: You wear purple blush? he queries, pointing to the purple eye shadow square
Me: Nooo, that's eye shadow! (as if it's the most obvious thing in the universe)
Mr Hussy: Ohh, I thought you only ever had one colour of blush! (he mused out loud)
Me: No, well there's two here. (I pointed to the pink and peach shades)
Mr Hussy: Ohhh okayyy.
Me: Anyway, now these are three brushes. One for powder. One for blush. And this ones for eye shadow! (I hand each one to him and he carefully inspects them all.)
And that's everything!
Mr Hussy deliberates briefly before handing down his judgment:
What a f*cken headache.
Meanwhile, this weekend it was mid 20 temps, early mornings and long, packed days.
On Saturday, we had a seminar on Ethics at 9 am. After half heartedly attending, we were all ravenous and wolfed down a bunch of sausage rolls and tarts from the Bourke Street Bakery. One word: delicious.
In fact, all I did this weekend was eat. Because I stayed with my sister in Glebe, I indulged in Thai, gelato and more food than was absolutely necessary.
In what will now be a weekly tradition for my little blog, here are some photos of the week gone by--
Miss DB and I toasting in the sun on Friday. I'm wearing my burger ring ring:
Miss Tiny's little hand acts as Miss DB's personal sun visor:
Miss Tiny and I:

The view from my sister's place in Glebe: There's writing on the window:
Wall art:
Miss DB, Mr Russia and Miss Tiny stomp the sidewalk:

Bourke St Bakerei:
Bourke St Bakerei:
Miss DB and I waiting for sausage roolllllllllsss. We were so bored:
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