On Thursday night, the Apple Store held an Iphoneography Exhibition. Ollympic Runner had a starring role, making the introductory speech, showing off some iphone apps that make your great photos look phenomenal and had some of his stunning pictures on display.
Miss Tiny and I spent a lot of our time craning our necks trying to catch a glimpse of the tutorial. We're both pretty short and the tall man in front of us kept hoisting his approximately five year old daughter (far too old to be carried in my opinion) on his unsupportive hip. She wasn't even watching and just kept saying "When are you going to speak, Daddy?" It turns out that this guy (Alexander Kessellaar) is another prominent Iphoneographer who's even published his own book of photos. I guess given his importance to the whole exhibition, he had a right to be juggling his child left, right and centre at the very front of the audience.
All in all, a suitably artistic night. What an impressive bunch.
[Ollympic Runner doing his talk:]
[Ollympic Runner's pictures on display:]
[Miss Tiny and Miss CreamyCheeks before we had pizza:]
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