This weekend, the weather gratefully shuffled out from its grey, unhappy drizzle (above) and pumped out awesome wintry blue skies and sunshine (below). Birds trilled, I skipped and these tiny purple flowers triumphed against the Great Wall of Green to announce the start of a lovely weekend.
[The Great Wall of Green at my train station- it goes for almost the entire station fence- can you spot the tiny purple flowers?]
Miss EBae and I made the most of it, scouring Glebe Markets.
We admired jewellery stands, ate turkish flatbread with fetta cheese and spinach slotted in between, and scoped out the scenery through our Hungarian Vegan Desserts.
[Swinging hearts:]
[Dappled sunlight and lots and lots of clothes:]
Throughout the day, we experienced the full gamut of stall owners. From the husband whose wife was absent, and as a result readily handed out discounts and cheerfully admitted that "she'd get so mad if she knew I was selling these at such low prices!" to the Korean lady who scowled when I fumbled one of her watches made out of Lego and could only gasp as it rolled off the table and onto the concrete:
"She dropped it-- that girl. She was playing with it and it totally looked like it was unstable and then it fell on the ground. Move the watches away from the corner! People just touch the stuff too much!"
she said all stroppily in Korean to her benign husband. Unluckily for her, both Miss EBae and I understand Korean and we both ambled (slightly petulantly) away with our arms linked and whispering about how stormy she was. I felt bad, okay? But honestly, complaining about people touching your stock at Glebe Markets is like a restaurateur getting annoyed at his customers because they can't decide what they want from the menu. It's bound to happen.
Miss EBae got defensive on my behalf and said she'd come this close to telling the lady off- in Korean. I guess we shouldn't have been so surprised-- it's pretty normal for Koreans to get annoyed when you pick things up, leave giant cloudy finger prints on pretty items and then pop things down again, even in department stores.
Despite the minor confrontation that could have, but didn't happen, it was a relaxing afternoon. Miss EBae and I are so excited because not only is Miss EBae going to be in Paris when I am (in August!!!) but she's going to be there for SIX MONTHS!
Despite the minor confrontation that could have, but didn't happen, it was a relaxing afternoon. Miss EBae and I are so excited because not only is Miss EBae going to be in Paris when I am (in August!!!) but she's going to be there for SIX MONTHS!
Mon Dieu, such exciting times!!
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