This morning we were all so tired from our 2 am effort. We woke up, said a half hearted “good morning” to each other before spending the next half hour yawning, staring off into space and declaring our love for sleep. Miss Poised Procurer’s boyfriend came over and with the rain striding down, we waited at the bus stop to get catch our ride for brunch. It turns out we could have easily walked- it was literally 200 metres away from the bus stop. But with rain, comes wind and with wind comes extreme displays of shelter seeking. Thus, the bus reigned supreme and we sheepishly hopped off within 30 seconds.
Breakfast was phenomenal. Given that it was 12:15 pm before we had finally gotten our acts together to get dressed, go all 200m to the café, snag a table in this tiny eatery and sort out our orders, the massive portions were a godsend. We ate, took some photos and then went home. In a twist of great timing, our bus was already to roll when we came out from the café and so, we again rode all 200m back home on the bus.
[Best breakfast evs:]
Man from Mars and I packed our bags while Miss Poised Procurer packed her bags for a work trip and Miss Cheese&Bread flopped on the sofa and kept us entertained with her random musings and potential man friend thoughts.
[Saying bye to Miss Poised Procurer at Zurich HP:]
[Decadent fine Swiss chocolates from Miss Poised Procurer- our kind host. So amazing!]
When our luggage had been repacked, we took the 45 minute train ride to Lucerne from Zurich Haupt Bahnhof. We then dumped our bags before walking out for an evening of exploring. The sun was setting as we searched for a (mildly affordable) place to have dinner and the lake and its surroundings were stunning. Lucerne is so beautiful- against the backdrop of fog and mountains, there are big town squares, painted buildings and quiet, unassuming people who are lovely.
[Out and about in Lucerne- elegant swans in formation- Man from Mars' awesome photo:]
[The Old Bridge- part of it was destroyed by fire and it was then rebuilt:]
[Man from Mars on the Old Bridge:]
We are in our last stop in Europe before we head to Korea in the next two days – what an epic trip it’s been so far. I’m craving some Vegemite and hanging out for some home cooked food, but on the other hand, I’m half dreading the return to work, stress and all that stuff. This holiday has been so enriching, at times difficult, hot, sweaty, cultural, Italian, French, Swiss German, Korean and English. Everything. I’m going to savour our last full day in Europe tomorrow- hopefully, we’ll take a cruise around Lake Lucerne. Tschuss until then!
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