Monday, December 12, 2011

It smells of Christmas, Grass and Alchomohol!

It feels like a lifetime ago now (I've just had the chockest weekend known to mankind and I won't be able to fill you in on it today- there's just too much), but on Friday, it was our work Christmas party.

Theme: 1920's

Weather forecast in the week leading up to it: Dubious, swirly and grey at best, torrentially rainy and wintry at worst

Weather on the day: Miraculously phenomenal. We couldn't stop stating: "We were sooo lucky with the weather"- as if we had anything to do with it

Sport of the hour: Lawn bowls

Food of the Friday: Snags and rolls

Final hour: Lowenbrau

It was the loveliest Christmas party of my life. Flouncing around in our outfits, taking the train to Erskineville for an afternoon out on the greens, ignoring curious bystanders and posing like we just didn't care-- Could you ask for anything more from a WORK Christmas party?

[Smart and suspendered:]

[Gloriously attired:]

[Waiting for the train like Miss Daisy:]

[Miss DB, Mr Funky Glasses and I:]

[Walking to the Bowling Greens:]

[Miss DB: the best of the bowlers:]

[Me and Miss Tiny:]
[The absolute definition of four eyes:]

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