When I worked in a law firm, it was all about concise concise conciseness! Succinct, please! 1 page max! MAX!
So then everyone became really good at dot points and saying things in apparently "laymen" terms... Or plain language (which in itself is a really misleading term, because if I was a layman I'd just think it meant that the English language was sh*t boring, let's listen to music and watch movies instead everybody! I hereby give you permission to roll over and have a siesta!)
Anyway, plain laymen aside, what the partners didn't realise is that layman for one man isn't layman for another, because let's be honest- it's all relative, right?
I'm not pro-conciseness and 1 page max-ness, in fact, I quite like telling stories the long way around and pausing numerous times for dramatic effect. But today, more for the sake of speed and laziness, here's one of my world famous lists:
- Work: Good, getting the hang of everything, busy but pretty happy. I like everyone at work and we all get along like awesome companions. No office politics, can you believe???
- Speaking of work, my boss thought it would be a great idea to engage the services of a masseuse for all staff, once a month. The first of these sessions was today and we all had 15 minutes of blissful cramp dissolving massage by a skilful masseuse master not by the name of Sven ("Hullo!"), but Ross.
- Family: Weird- Mum's well and truly golf crazy and is a little menopausal, Dad is fine and is steadily teaching mum new golf tricks, Sister is marching to her own beat, doing her own thing...
- Food: Discovered an awesome dumpling place in World Square which is just across the road. So so SO good.
- Man from Mars: Bored at his new job, but consoles himself with the paycheck. Plus, it's only week 2 so it's early days yet. He has a lovely boss and flex (FLEX!!!) so it's all good. House-wise, his housemate is a chatterbox, albeit a good natured and well-intentioned chatterbox. But consensus rules that she talks rather a lot, sometimes too much. Still, it could be worse; she could be a complete loony who talks too much...
- Hair: Growing long again! Should I cut it short again, or leave it to grow out?????
- Best new find: Girlfriend at work introduced me to an amazing concealer called "Dermablend" sold at Soul Patterson opposite Strand Arcade in Pitt Street. Say buhbye to raging volcanic pimples when the crimson tide strikes!
- Travel: Off to the Berra again this weekend. I got Babel for the drive. Might be a bit heavy, but whatever, it got a Golden Globe and has Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt in it and that gives it street cred.
In retrospect, bullet points can be long winded too, hey? Who says they're the only way to a concise read?
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