I'll be the first to admit that I can be a little nerdy.
I know my timestables like no one's business (actually, that's not that special, because I guess everyone pretty much knows their timestables by the time they're 25, but it's still pretty nerdy, hey?). Also, I'm a stickler for grammar and Man from Mars cops sh*t everytime he says something weird like, "I think I'm really opened" (he means open) or spells itinerary, itinery. But most of all, most of all I'm a nerd when it comes to anything gymnastics related.
A trip down memory lane uncovers the origins of my inner gymnastics nerd:
- In year 3, Jess and Deb founded The Handstand Committee. As self appointed presidents, they herded together a group of 7 avid handstanders (including none other than yours truly), and the formidable Committee was formed. Our "meetings" comprised of performing "layered" handstands against the brick wall, taking turns on who would be the "bottom layer", who would be in the middle, and who would be the outermost layer. Invariably, the lass with the longest legs was appointed the final handstander to launch themselves into the wall with 6 other girls already handstanded against it- back curved at almost 90 degrees, those long long legs would miraculously find the wall, and the choreographed routine would be complete.
- My obsession for handstands led to an obsession to achieve the perfect splits. I practised for hours, wearing socks to make the slidedown smoother. I never got further than 120 degrees.
- Mum enrolled me into classes because I was that obsessed. What I lacked in skill, I made up for in enthusiasm, and my moment of crowning glory came when I got the "encouragement award" after four years of classes.
- I resigned myself to the fact that I would never be very good, even though my coaches said "she has amazing upper body strength", and decided to keep it as my own nerdy hobby.
- Man from Mars subscribed me to "International Gymnast" this year. I read it cover to cover, word for word and analyse photos and scores. It's published in the US and costs a fortune in freight. But given that Man from Mars is a plane-nerd himself, he understands where I'm coming from.
- My favourite websites are http://www.ozgymnastics.blogspot.com/ and gymnastike.org and The GymBlog.
Anyway, so there's the end of that confession.
My favourite international gymnast is Nastia Liukin (that's her in the photo). She won gold in the all around in Beijing and is returning to competition at the US Nationals in Dallas. She's 19 and that's ancient in gymnastics speak. But she's got spunk, sparkle and is beautiful to watch, so get ready for action because there's some serious gymnastics goss going down.
Also causing murmurs of excitement is the fact that the Pacific Rim competition will be held in Melbourne next year! Man from Mars is urging me to volunteer. I really want to. Perhaps I will.
Maybe I'll even get an autograph!! !!! !!!!
God, what a nerdface.
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