This weekend I saw Man from Mars for the first time in three weeks. That's rather a long time. He had exams in Melbourne you see, so the first week he was swotting like a nerd, the next week he was executing his exams with swotter's prowess and this week he had his final assignment due. College of law officially done and dusted and this weekend marked the start of his non-study (at least for a little while) era.
It suffices to say that we had a grand time.
I arrived at 8:40 pm fresh (or very smelly) off the bus from Sydney, and we chowed down on some of his famous penne, mixed in with his sauce which he ripped off me, but added his own red wine twist. He was angsty because his special sauce was missing a vital ingredient. He knew he'd put the red wine in, but his sauce was missing that something, that depth that separates the special sauce from the ordinary paste:
"Barbecue sauce" I declared after I took one look at his sauce.
His eyes widened because that was indeed, the missing ingredient. Lucky he ripped it off me, because I knew what was missing pronto. In went the barbecue sauce and down went the pasta.
Saturday was spent at Myer's One Day Only sale. Man from Mars shattered some of the excitement that a One Day Sale evokes, by explaining that it's a strategic move on Myer's part to get rid of decade old stock. Unpeturbed I walked in and searched for the ideal bikini and a sundress. Unfortunately, Man from Mars' theory was spot on and the deals weren't all that special because the stock wasn't all that there. We departed with our super boring purchases- him, a business shirt and me, nude stockings.
Then we rocked off to a cafe called A Bite to Eat a Drink as Well where we enjoyed the biggest "bowl" (translate oven baking tray) of chips you've ever seen, bruschetta and spanish eggs. Good food, huge portions with a particularly Melbourne vibe for a Canberran cafe.
Next stop was Floriade which is a world renowned flower show. Huge garden beds of tulips, daffodils, roses, poppies as well as a ferris wheel that was speeding way too fast, with each of its cages swinging wildly and little kids on board screaming out in fear (aren't ferris wheels meant to be for the very young or geriatric?) Anyway, we ended the day with a giant bowl of Pho which is vietnamese beef noodle soup and headed back home enormously full and satisfied.
Today we woke up late, ate breakfast, had lunch an hour later and I rocked back onto the bus to Sydney... Tomorrow it's Monday (already!) and I can still remember how excited I was on Friday. The weekend goes way too quickly. It's like whoever is in charge of making time tick, makes it tick faster on Saturday and Sunday than it does on Monday and Tuesday. I reckon whoever's in charge of time, Mr or Mrs Time Maker, should make every effort to ensure that time passes slower on the weekend. Yes yes, I know it's the Earth's rotation that governs time, but I refuse to believe that all the fun that's had on weekends is responsible for making it go by so quickly. I prefer my own theory that someone up there in the Galaxy of Time is spinning the Earth faster to make Monday come too soon.
So if you're up there and you can hear me, can you kindly please try and make next weekend and each one thereafter go slower than Monday and Tuesday?
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