To get into our building at work we have this magnetic button which buzzes us in. Most people put it on their keyring or on that expander-outer-er thing that you secure to your belt loop- I forget what they're called. Anyway, you buzz it against the matching magnet on the wall to go up the elevators, to get back into the office after you go to the John, or you can even just buzz it for the hell of it, because that click! that resonates when the magnets connect is such sweet satisfaction.
Today, in an exemplary display of "Hurray, it's Fridayyyy!" stupidity, I carefully pressed my finger against the matching magnet on the wall. I waited expectantly. Nothing happened. I pushed harder. Nothing happened again. I started to get impatient and scanned the empty corridor- why wasn't the door opening?? I put my other hand on my hip and got ready to press the button that visitors press when they want to be let in. I didn't even realise that I wasn't using my magnetic button until it finally dawned on me that my damn index finger is connected to my hand which is connected to my wrist which is connected to my arm, whereas the magnetic button isn't even connected to my finger. No wonder I wasn't getting the click!
I blushed to myself. Thank god no one saw, but goshhh, what a geezer.
It's even more dumber than the time I accidentally took a bulldog clip instead of my magnetic button to the bathroom. That time, at least I realised that I was clutching a bulldog clip before I got to the door. They don't even feel the same!
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