Friday, April 30, 2010

What's up buttercup?

My mind did a double take this morning when I realised tomorrow is the first day of May.

May?? Did I just think May?

That's right, May. One month away from June, one month past April- where the public holidays have officially dried up.

So, what's been happening?
  1. Masterchef's back and tear jerky as ever. Matt Preston is such an eloquent, kind soul. Meanwhile, today Gary teared up when his mum came to make her roast which made me tear up and salivate at the same time. Those Yorkshire puddings sure did look good. Double meanwhile, George is such a round toughie-softie who makes everything speed along at such an exciting pace. I'm so glad Masterchef's back

  2. Man from Mars has been travelling his hiney off these past few weeks. He's been to Bathurst, then Forbes, then Parkes, then to yours truly in Sydney and back to Melbourne. I think it's nuts and that some slow deep breathing sessions wouldn't go astray. The glamour of "travelling for work" isn't all that glamorous, and I feel bad for all the lack of fun involved

  3. Work is going swimmingly. I love my work mates and have the best fun with them. Yesterday Mr Funky Glasses came up with the most cliche movie scene of all time: the one where Girl and Guy (who are steadily falling in love) make the compulsory trip to the local fair, ride the ferris wheel, and a montage of uproarious laughter, icecream sharing and the requisite giant stuffed toy tucked under Girl's arm, follows-- all against the backdrop of golden feel good fairylights.

  4. My dreams have been a little strange lately- last night I dreamt that two of my teeth fell out and I spent a great deal of time staring into my hollowed out gums, almost as if I were the dentist examining my own mouth. Strange and disconcerting.

  5. I'm addicted to Friends. Thanks to Miss DB, I've steamrolled through Seasons 1 and 2 and now I'm up to Season 3. Easy, warm, cheerful fun; not an ounce of bitchy/mean vibe to be found.

  6. I got a cool skirt for $9.95 and truly felt like I'd outdone myself.

  7. It's getting dark earlier and light later.

  8. I wonder why I still break out at the age of 25. Have my hormones not sorted themselves out yet?? My chin is officially like Rocky Road. Mild despair.

  9. Miss EBae has at long last, returned from Korea. Just like old times, we wandered around as indecisive as ever and watched Date Night on a full belly of Burgerlicious.

  10. Thai Passion in World Square has wonderful Chilli Basil. Super hot which can possibly lead to cramping bowels- but so very worth it.

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