Sunday, May 9, 2010

In the dead of the night...

Last night, Man from Mars woke up in the middle of the night needing to take a tinkle. Nothing unusual. If it's not him going, it's me and I don't think we've ever gone a night without the annoying need to tinkle (at approximately 3 am) interrupting our blissful dream world of sleep.

When it's me, I wake up, turn to him and whisper: "Need to pee, do you?" The only reason I do this is because the toilet is really really far down a long long corridor, and when the lights are off, it's kinda spooky. Especially in the dead of the night. I know, I know, I could turn all the lights on, (and when from Man from Mars isn't at my house- I do) but to be honest, if I don't have to, then I won't because whenever I do this, I completely wake myself up and practically never go back to sleep again. Anyway, without fail, Man from Mars will answer in the affirmative and we'll both shuffle down the long long corridor and exchange annoyed/sleepy smiles.

When it's Man from Mars, he leap frogs over me (in a sleep fogged hurdle of arms and legs) and asks "Need to pee?" and I'll without fail answer in the affirmative because if I don't then I might need to go later and turn all the lights on and wake myself up.

Anyway, last night Man from Mars woke up needing to tinkle and turned to me with the usual question which I answered in the usual way. Things weren't urgent for me, but if he was going, I was going too. I went to get up and he was in the process of leap frogging over me when he went:

Ohh no, the electricity's cut off...

And I said:

Why? how do you know? (because he hadn't even turned the light on yet)
And he said:

Because your alarm clock's off

And I went:

Aww man.

And he went:

Do you have a torch?

To which I replied, No, no I did not.

Man from Mars lay there for another ten minutes- waiting for the electricity to come back on because I suppose there's nothing more counterintuitive that peeing into the dark. I kept right on sleeping because my bladder was still in a relatively comfortable state.

He lay and lay and kept checking the alarm clock. No response. Still black.

And then, when his good old bladder was ready to pop, he half leap frogged over me before announcing:

Ohhhh, the cushion on your bureau was blocking the alarm clock

And I went:

What? So there's no black out? Aww man!

Then he laughed, went back to leap frogging, I laughed, went back to accompanying for the hell of it, and we scooted down the long long corridor to the cold porcelain throne.

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