It's not unusual for both of us to be slightly tardy when we catch up-- the trend generally is that we'll text each other about 5 minutes beforehand and say:
"I'm running a bit late! Sorry!"
The apology is perfunctory because neither of us expects anything more. I don't anxiously will the train to hurry up as I would for a less familiar friend, because Miss Ebae is laid back as Larry when it comes to times. But this weekend, I'm pretty sure we outdid ourselves. The arranged meeting time was 12:30 pm. We ended up meeting up at-- wait for it-- 2:30 pm.
It started off with Miss Ebae texting me at 12:15:
"We're gonna be a bit late!"
At this stage, I was three quarters of the way to Bondi and told her I'd hang out at Westfields- stay out of the heat and window shop.
Then at 12:50 pm I got a call:
"We're just at Broadway!"
I said that I'd hunt down a bus and start making my way to the Beach. Unfortunately for me, thousands of others had the same idea and the line for the bus was 4 people thick and least 50 people long. I waited a while and then opted for a taxi as bus after bus bypassed my stop: bus drivers raising their arms to the heavens as we waved at them to stop: "What can we do?"
Luckily, my taxi driver was pretty awesome and said:
"I'll take you through the side streets so you don't have to wait in the traffic and pay so much" (insert conspiratorial wink).
I got down to the beach in record time while Miss Ebae, entire family in tow, struggled through the traffic. By this stage it was 1:45pm and I hung around the grassy slopes to the side of the beach, surveying the packed out sands:
As Miss Ebae's dad skilfully parked the car, Miss Ebae hurried up to me decked out in her Jackie O sunnies:
"Sorry sorry sorry!"
We had a lovely lunch at the Trio cafe where Miss Ebae's sweet parents kindly shouted me lunch and I met CJ, Miss Ebae's big sister's brand new baby boy for the first time. What an adorable, feisty little guy:
Meanwhile, you may recall that I dropped my phone in the toilet last month. Well guess what? This morning, all sweaty from my hour walk and rushing for a shower, I dropped my phone- in my shorts-into the wash.
What the f*ck!!!!
Who can explain such tomfoolery? I make absolutely no excuses for myself. For now, my phone is submerged in uncooked rice and has a number of desiccant sachets strapped to its slick little frame. Revive phone, revive!!
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