My sister and I met in the city and the plan was to have lunch and make our way to the Korean Film Festival at Dendy Opera Quays. We wanted to watch a comedy/thriller that was due to start at 2pm. But my mum had heard through the Korean Community Grapevine that there was a more "spiritual, traditional, educational" film on at 4:45 pm and kept on pushing me to forgo the comedy/thriller for the metaphysical, profound documentary, Old Partner. We caught up at 12 pm and with my mum's push pushing me to go for the later one, we decided to fill in the hours before Old Partner started. It was a wonderful, unforgettable movie, and I was glad for once for my mum's nagging. A photo log of the events of this weekend gone by:
Queen Victoria all decked out in her Royal Highness gear (not sure why, is it because the Commonwealth Games are starting?):
We walked down Pitt St and came across Liam, the awesome 16 year old who belted out Van Morrison's Moondance and made grown women swoon:
Swooning grown women asking him "Do you do weddings?" (he does.):
Then we went to Mid City centre and tried on some clothes:
Tired from shopping and bored of the rain, we went for some Korean at Live Restaurant:
Then, we realised that the movie was starting in half an hour and I chose that moment to remember that the website had a section that specified the option to buy the tickets -- did that mean they wouldn't be selling them at the box office? Did it mean that because it was a Festival, things would work differently and you definitely had to reserve your seat before you rocked up to see the film?
Cue: My sister and I storming up Loftus St, going into her work to log on and purchase the tickets online. Add to that, a call from my parentals announcing that they've driven the better part of an hour so that they too, will be joining us to watch this #1 box office smash, and they're waiting in front of the cinema right this second. Add to that the online purchasing is closed. The phone number to Dendy's is engaged.
Then I do this:
That's right, my phone slipped out of my skirt pocket, went airborne, and straight into the toilet.
Are you kidding me?
Anyway, as with all things that you stress about, it turned out that all that rushing around was completely unnecessary because when we eventually got through, they told us that tickets would be available half an hour before the movie.
So, phoneless, but kind of happy because we would still make the movie, we made our way to the Dendy.
Afterwards, we all indulged in Maccas. First time in about 8 months!
And then today, Sunday, Sunday-- we hung at Mr and Mrs Rockes, our old next door neighbours. They're really old and celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this year! Here's Xena, the sweetest dog in the world:
My sister in Mrs Rocke's amazing garden:
My sister and I used to play here every weekend when we were little, takes me back 20 years:
Rhondaleishas- they only flower for a super short time, but they're so pretty when they do:

And to end the day, we had amazing Indian at the Maharaja Lakeside Indian Restaurant:
And to end the day, we had amazing Indian at the Maharaja Lakeside Indian Restaurant:
awesome shots! :D
okay, i feel bad for your phone :(
aw thanks hun- yeah, poor phone. You know, I left it there because I was too chicken to dig around in the toilet water! Your blog looks fun, I'm checking it out now :)
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