Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pockets full of goodies

Today was $1 day at 7-11 and Miss DB, Mr Russia and I couldn't resist.

We all scored a Magnum and a big packet of salt and vinegar kettle chips for $2 and laughed at the lady who emptied a box of stock to store her zillions of packets of chips that she may or may not have been buying for a party. I suspect she was buying them for herself. And who wouldn't? You could get enough chips for a year- all for $50!!

It took me back to the days of my primary school tuckshop where eucalyptus drops were 20c a packet and a big bag of twisties cost all of 40c.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's up Space Cowboy?

So, what's the story Morning Glory? It's been a while! What have I been up to? LOTS, says I.
  • I turned 26 yesterday! Old to me, young to older people, geriatric to toddlers. Age is so relative.

  • Man from Mars sprung a surprise visit on me today. He emailed me as if he was back in Melbourne, so I replied drearily that I was still at work, trying to nut out something that was confusing me. He dropped a casual:

"Wanna have dinner? I'll see you in 20 minutes"

And I promptly went off into a fizz and told anyone who cared that he was cominngggg! Then we went and had Japanese at Sakae before he had to leave for the airport to get back to Melbourne. A grand total of one hour- barely enough to tide me over to the next time I get to see him, but enough all the same.

  • This morning I got onto the train and into a carriage full of school kids- they were on their way to a school excursion and they were yelling, running through the carriage and carrying on like kids do. At one point I glanced over at a little guy who looked okay, but didn't look too strong- translucent skin, tiny little frame, leaning his head on his friend's arm. His friend was a chatterbox and didn't seem to notice the little guy supporting his head on his arm. Next thing you know and the little guy has spewed all over his front and on his mate's school bag. The teachers in charge throw their arms up in despair, as if to say "Such is life when you're minding a carriage full of kids!" and comfort the little guy while trying to clean up the 6 seater with tissues and bottled water. Another little girl who was sitting opposite the unwell chap starts gagging and I'm scared that they'll all start barfing out of sympathy. Thankfully, she gags twice, pulls it together and then continues to recount her story about her older brother and his cool bmx bike.

  • Two weekends ago I got a new GPS and now I'm gonna get my driving into Top Gear

  • Man from Mars came for a couple of days two weeks ago and we stayed at the Ibis near King St Wharf. We had cool dinners, ten minute trips to work and an all over lovely time

  • Last weekend I gave my GPS a whirl and my sister and I went to Mac Centre to watch Toy Story 3. I LOVED that movie. The ending is so bittersweet and takes me back to when my pink teddy bear was the apple of my eye. I would carefully wrap my teddy's bum in a "nappy" (read: handkerchief) and would "change" (read: rewrap/rearrange) it daily to make sure that he was never without a nice clean nappy. The funniest movie I've seen in a really long time. Absolutely recommended.

  • Masterchef is over. Adam won. I'm feeling a little existential while I find something new to fill in my evenings from 7:30 to 8:30.

  • I'm addicted to this show called "Make it or break it". It's about a bunch of gymnasts training for the Olympics spiced up with all this boy drama- and I suspect I'm a little old for it, but the storyline is undeniably riveting in that familiar Dawson's Creek kind of way.

  • Man from Mars and I took a ride on the ferris wheel near Darling Harbour. Then we had greasy Maccas and got kitsch things from Morning Glory.

  • Last Friday was the Christmas In July work cruise. Everyone grumbled about the greedy eaters who took all the food at the buffet before we had even had a chance to survey the spread, but it was a breezy, fun night filled with loud talking, relationship advice and alchomohollllll! Can I love my workmates more??

  • I caught up with Miss Ebae and Cathogan yesterday and it was almost like we were back on exchange in Canada. I wanna rewind 3 years!!!

All in all, good times :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How many ways can you eat a piece of bread?

On Sunday, mum and dad were too full to eat a proper dinner, but too hungry to go to bed without a teensy snack.

Dad concluded that he felt like toast and proceeded to have the following:

- toast with jam
- toast with boiled egg coarsely sliced
- toast with mandarin slices on top ("So juichy!!")
- toast with mashed potatos and maple syrup and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

He made me sample the last one and it was surprisingly tasty and comforting. You should try it, it's like having a warm, sweet, salty potato pocket!

In other news, Friday was Miss Tiny's birthday drinks and we all went down to WorldBar for some Razzle Dazzle cocktails. We all had a mighty lovely time while Miss Tiny flitted between her two giant posses (us from work and them from uni) and Mr Smart Abs never gave her that single slender rose that ended up sugar encrusted and battered against everyone's heads:


Then the weekend was spent demolishing off Season 10 of Friends. By the final episode, I was super nostalgic. What an epic show. So funny and spirited. I just want to go back to the start and watch the whole set again.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Marion, you're my masterchef!

I can't believe Marion got kicked offffffffffffffffffff.

She was the best cook and the nicest one on the show.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend efforts

This weekend I went down to Melbourne to "touch base" with Man from Mars. That sounds super wanky I know, like I'm tooting my "I'm friendly but not familiar in the workplace" horn, but to be honest, it kind of feels like that. These days we only see each other once every three weeks-- so a two day catch up making up for 21 days apart is proportionately inadequate.

Anyway, I flew in on Friday and we drove back to his house where we ate a ginormous combination noodle stirfry which proceeded to give us enough belly gas to imitate a symphony orchestra- saxophone and all. That's not to say it wasn't delicious- because it was. But like all things tasty, the havoc that it wreaked on my digestive tract was impressive. (Man from Mars suspects that I may be gluten intolerant- I refuse to believe this because my diet is 90% gluten concentrated).

On Saturday we woke up sleepy, out of sorts and mildly pressed for time. Our conversation at breakfast went like this:

Man from Mars: What are youse having for breakfast?
Me: Porridge, crumpets and timtams. Can I have some cinnamon scroll too?


Me: What are youse having for breakfast?
Man from Mars (while focusing all his energy on not spilling his bowl of porridge as he steps carefully to the microsave): I'm having spag-hett-iiiii

he says slowly.


We had grand plans to shop up Chapel St, but the rainy, windy weather kept us indoors. I got a gold and black zigzag cardie and two v-necks. Man from Mars searched for the elusive trench and came away empty handed. Then we went to the oovie vending machine and rented: The Boys are Back and Bright Star.

Both movies are brilliant- 5 stars. Girls will be more inclined to appreciate Bright Star while The Boys are Back will appeal to everyone.

All weekend I hung out for Katy Perry's new song, California Girls to come out on the radio. On Saturday when I was feeling particularly pissed off that the rain was ruining our Chapel St plans, I shouted at Man from Mars' car radio:

Why aren't you playing my favourite songggg???!!!

And then, as if someone upstairs was really listening to me, the song came out just as I stopped shouting.

It was a lovely weekend and I can't wait for these next few weeks to hurry up so that I can "touch base" with Man from Mars again.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Unexpected wisdom

Call it what you will: fate, serendipity, the natural order of the world. You wonder why you did things on certain days and why you ended up catching that particular bus, moving to that job, talking to that person about that particular topic. And then you think, somehow it all came together and it all turned out okay. That it will all be okay.

Today was one of those days.

I'm reading "Eat, Love, Pray" by Elizabeth Gilbert. The bit where she's in India and she has this relevation where she realises that she is fine with herself- just the way she is: flaws and all. The book is an inspiring read because she's so empathetic and human. You don't feel inadequate comparing yourself to her, because even though she's clearly incredibly ambitious, successful and focused, she agonises over what she doesn't have and considers herself (to start with), to be a mondo failure.

Generally, I am fine with myself. I like who I am and what I'm doing. But often I focus on my shortcomings, what I'm not good at, what I haven't achieved; what I could be doing, but I'm not-because I'm not motivated enough to explore it fully, organise, plan, look ahead.

While I was reading the book, I realised that everyone's got their issues that they blow up to gigantuous proportions. Then they forget about their strengths and their our individual appeal. With the moral of that chapter ringing loud, I considered that I actually really like tonnes of things about myself. Everyone should- because everyone rocks in their own way. Maybe this is stating the super obvious and it sounds preachy- but really, do we ever actually think about what makes us appealing? Not really, we worry about what we're going to do in the future and what we've been through in the past to get to where we are now. Then we focus on how certain things in the past were tough or cool-- which inevitably leads to either pining for good times gone by, or tentatively congratulating ourselves for getting through that prickly patch.

Anyway, to keep the story going, at the beginning of the week I had no plans for tonight- I was going to come home and watch Friends under the doona with the heater on high. Then Mussus D (who's leaving for Brisvegas to live there for the next three years) emailed to say that she wanted to catch up one final time. I wanted to catch up with her- really I did. But then, I considered that I'd only be able to see her for half an hour if I wanted to catch the last bus home. And Friends under the doona was really so tempting. I sat on the fence, I pondered real hard. I tried to take the altruistic approach and wondered whether it was worth her and my while. Then, I decided that I would go- even if it was only for half an hour. I powerwalked up to the Rocks, and we chatted under the heat of the outside heater. She was chuffed for the catch up- even if it was only a tiny one.

I rushed to the station and caught the train home- I ended up getting to the bus stop with 10 minutes to spare. As I looked into the bus, the bus driver was brooming his vehicle down- he waved and motioned that he would open the door.

Come in and wait- better than being out in the cold he said smiling.

I thanked him and he explained that the heater wasn't working all that well because the heater is driven by the engine and if outside's cold, then the engine's cold, which means that the inside of the bus will also be cold.

Somehow we got talking about things and he ended up sitting opposite me in the four seater as we waited for the departure time to tick around.

Turns out he used to be a senior marketing manager for a prominent travel company- but he was made redundant last year. Since then he'd been driving buses around on a casual basis. He mused that it was funny how quickly life can change. He sure as hell didn't expect that he'd be driving buses around the suburbs of the north shore. But then again, he pointed out how much he enjoyed it- talking to people, maintaining his bus, observing people's quirks. He hoped that he would be hired full time and then he would be able to pay off his mortgage. He was incredibly optimistic and hopeful.

We got talking about his career background: he started off with an accounting/business degree, but this was swiftly dumped for a low paying job as a travel agent because he realised that his passion was talking to people and travel. Then he rose up the ranks, travelling all over Asia and Australia as he specialised in brand management and advertising. I asked him how he discovered his passion and shared my own doubts about why I am in my chosen profession. He assured me that suddenly it would come to me. And that I should never change myself for any job. Never ever. You are who you are and you should never compromise that.

Comforting, wise words from a guy who's obviously seen a lot and done a lot. We talked so much that he ended up leaving the station 10 minutes past the departure time. When I got off the bus he told me to take care and I told him to stay positive. He said that he would and thanked me for the company.

As I walked home, I considered my own chain of events that led me to that conversation with the bus driver tonight:

I got made redundant. Found my current job. Never would have found current job if I hadn't lost my other one. Borrowed "Eat, Love, Pray" from Miss Tiny at my current job. Probably would never have read the book if I hadn't been made redundant and forced to consider what I actually wanted out of life and the whole spiritual shebang that comes with going through something particularly dramatic. Felt compelled to meet up with Mussus D because she's a friend from my old job. Ended up catching a bus I don't normally catch to talk to uber wise bus driver. Feel much more enriched and like I've learnt something invaluable.

It's all about the natural order of the world, I tell ya.