Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I just want to borrow it...

May I borrow your height?

The BFG and his equally tall friend had been analysing lamb chops in the meat section of Coles when I piped up with my desperate request. I wanted the vanilla soy yoghurt that was halfway back the top shelf, my arm hurt from straining and I was absolutely going to pop a button on my blouse from all this puffed up effort. This BFG was my one and only saviour.

He peered down all big eyes inquiring from his 6 foot 3 (ad)vantage point and 'ho ho ho!'ed grandly: Of course you may!

And just like that, it was as if I was 6 foot 3 as his long arms unfurled, hardly extended with any effort at all and plucked the vanilla soy yoghurt from the very back of the shelf.

I would've high fived him with gratitude except the height differential made it virtually impossible to make contact. I offered a gusty "Hooray!" in thanks and he saluted, happy to be of service.

In other news, it was another weekend spent in Melbourne and the highlights included watching an old fellow ensconced in his newly purchased book entitled Where there's a Will (he spent most of the time looking terrified for what was to come, hand covering half is face and often drifting over one eye as his brows furrowed with deep concern, picture 1 below), eating at +39 ("Best Pizza of 2010", pics 2, 3 and 4) and a bit of Valentine's Day love from Man from Mars ("gimme some of that, yeow!" pic 5).

[Old man and his excellent read]



[Red is for rosy romance]

PS: My fave new show is Ben Elton, Live from Planet Earth (tonight, 9:30 pm). The Girl Flat skit is the funniest.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fortunately clumsy...

Tonight I dropped a plate and it shattered into a million pieces. Cleaning it up could have been been an inevitable b*tch, except it wasn't because somehow I dropped it into the sink- with a generous sheet of cling wrap firmly tucked around its circumference and the food it was holding firmly gelled to its spot.

The combined effect of all of these fortunate factors is that the giant plate hardly shattered at all. Instead, it broke artistically, neatly and daintily.

I gave the plate a virtual high five and deemed the occasion as only Barney from How I met your Mother would: Legendary.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A land of real extremes...

From the floods in QLD to Cyclone Yasi to the hottest week in Sydney since weather recording first began, what in the world is happening to our world???

It scares me- all this furious weather. As a staunch believer in the stars, karma, astrology, numerology and energy, I figure that all this weather triggered devastation can't just be a coincidence.

Someone up there, up in the trees, in the leaves and on the clouds is royally unhappy. I just really want to know what they want us to do... to make things balanced again.