Sunday, June 5, 2011

There's a circus and a jungle in my garden...

My sister came to visit this weekend and we had fun as always. She tends to come on Friday, we hang on Saturday and she heads back on Sunday to go to work. This weekend we had lunch with Mrs Rocke- gourmet pizza, crustini with pesto, and fizzy drink, followed by Piper Lane purchases, heinously expensive tea from DJs and a sleepy girltalk session in Mrs Rocke's room . Age difference aside, it rivalled the best of the best of the best girly days out.

Whenever she leaves, and if I don't have any plans, I'm left to my own devices to daydream and imagine. Today, while I was sitting in the backyard drinking my heinously expensive peppermint tea and indulging in a triple choc brownie, I discovered that there's a jungle in my garden. And a circus. And some marine life. And an important looking fossil.

No, that's quite impossible- a bunch of poppycock
I hear you say. Unless you live in Taronga Zoo, a backyard is a place for unmown grass, some flowers and lots of lizards and insects! you proclaim.

Wrong, says I. And, eat my shorts, I proclaim. Because as with all grand discoveries, I recorded it all. There's a jungle, and a circus, a star fish and an archaeological site in my backyard. The proof is in the pictures.

[My expensive tea and triple choc brownie:]

[Cos I'm Asian:]

[The tightrope walkers from the circus:]

[An ancient archaeological relic:]

[The pirouetting prima ballerina waiting in the wings. For the record, the performance was the Nutcracker:]

[The prima ballerina takes centre stage:]

[The starfish under da sea:]

[Hairy apes swinging from vine to vine:]

[Colourful coral under da sea:]

So you see? It's all there.

1 comment:

Linda J said...
