It's mid morning at work- it's cold out- it's quiet in. Nothing special, very status quo. The ushe (that's short for Usual).
Then the ceiling caves in.
The heavy air conditioning tubing and its steel box crashes through landing precisely where Ms Cosmetic Pro would've been sitting if she hadn't vacated her spot in a fit of "these workmen are driving me crazy, I'm going to go for a stretch."
The heavy air conditioning tubing and its steel box crashes through landing precisely where Ms Cosmetic Pro would've been sitting if she hadn't vacated her spot in a fit of "these workmen are driving me crazy, I'm going to go for a stretch."
A large piece of roofing slides from the roof and misses Miss Tiny's head and back by inches, as, in a moment of unbelievable timing, she happens to be leaning into her computer at the time.
A steel rod gashes Miss Master Manager on the arm and her skin screams red and angry.
Everyone is stunned but laughs hysterically because it's scary to contemplate what could have been.
There were definitely angels watching over our office today.

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