On Sunday, my sister and I scooted bum and bus to Bondi for the final day of Sculptures by the Sea.
I say "bum and bus" because we were literally moving our bums, on some kind of bus, all day long.
I caught the bus from home to the city (trains were snoozing), and then together with my sister from the city to the beach-- and I gotta say, buses rate ten out of ten for entertainment value.
Some highlights:
The Spunky Lady
The spunky lady sitting next to me on the way to the city (who couldn't have been older than fifty), was decked out in a light denim jacket, silvery, spiky cropped pixie hair cut and super pink nails. She had her Ipod Nano plugged into her ears and she drummed her fingers on the seat back in front of her "bahm bahm bahm!- ing and belting out at the top of her lungs: "Come on baby light my firrrrrre!" in all her tone deaf glory.
The packed bus, which was dreary and silent save for a screaming baby, all looked at her, and then looked away: Crazy old lady with the crazy colourful get up, they muttered internally.
But I thought she was fabulous.
Later, she shouted at me over the din of her earphones: "My daughter got this for me from Singapore! It's an Ipod Nano, and I put all my songs on it! I'm goin-ta Sculptures by the Sea! It's the last day, but I forgot my camera, you see!"
(I've put all her speech in running sentences because, even though I was saying "Oh really! That's so great! What songs do you like! I'm going to Sculptures by the Sea too- Princess Mary was there this morning!" she didn't hear any of it because of the ruckus in her earphones-- so all her sentences really all came out as one long bumbling statement of fact.)
When we eventually got off at Wynyard, she bid me a good trip before sticking one of her earphones into my ear: "See how good the sound is!" before stalking off the bus- her skinny tanned legs tucked in her tiny shorts, and rainbow bikini peeking out from her white tank- she waved to me before she jumped off: Bye love! I reckon I have good taste in music for an 80 year old!!
Eighty years old?? I would never have guessed it-she was probably one of the most exuberant and joyful people I've ever met.
The guy with the ring in his nostrils
On the second leg of our bus trips, we jumped on a different bus from Town Hall to Bondi Beach. We stood next to a guy with dark brown curly hair, sultry lips, and a ring that had been slotted into the skin that separates each of your nostrils-- like those rings that bulls and cows have.
Every time we looked at him, we wanted to Moooooooo! because he even had those big, rolling brown eyes that cows have.
The brother and sister
On my final leg home, I sat in front of two little Indian kids. The big sister was about 8 years old. Her little brother, about 5 years old. The big sister was authoritative and teacherish. The little brother was squirming, giggly and attentive. Their conversation went something like this:
Big sister: What colours make purple?
Little brother: Red and blue!
Big sister: What colour makes red and blue?
Little brother: Purple!
Big sister: (trying to trick her brother): What colours maaaaaake purple?
Little brother: (pauses, trying to figure out the trick): Ummmmm. Red and blue!
Big sister: Good.
Big sister: What's the opposite of up?
Little brother: (silent)
Big sister: What's the opposite of up?
Little brother: What does that mean?
Big sister: (softly) Say down
Little brother: Down!
Big sister: Good!
Big sister: What's your uncle's name?
Little brother: Uncle Singh
Big sister: Good!
Big sister: What does "blow up mean?"
Little brother: I don't know
Big sister: It means get fat!
Little brother: (giggles hysterically)
Big sister: What's the opposite of no friends?
Little brother: Yes friends!
Big sister (emphatically): Good!
And so they continued- her approving his sometimes wrong answers because neither was none the wiser.
Some pictures:
[My sister with her sunhat:]

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