Monday, March 7, 2011

Hi Dilys!

I miss the crazy cool cat days of Canada.

Today I met up with Dilys- the little Asian with the Attitude and Snap. We lived on different levels in Marchand (the dormitory for international students and some lucky first year Canadians) when we were on Exchange and while she studied her hiney off, baked cakes and and played Catwoman on Halloween, I ate lots of bagels, ran around with Miss Ebae and was Lucifer on Halloween.

Now, three and a bit years later, we shared a plate of dumplings and handmade noodles and raged about the complexities of life, work, boys and the goddamn travel bug that just won't go away. She lives in Perth and is aiming for a move to either Sydney or Melbourne, and damn straight she's going to be the best lawyer in all of Oz, because she loves it that much.

Thanks for the best lunch hour in a long time xx

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