Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy wedding wishes Lamington Shipp!

As I catch up on the hectic Friday & weekend that was, I come to Saturday.

On Saturday, I had lunch with my sister, had a manicure in her office, met her cute and hugely entertaining lawyer buddy Miss DimiPheebs (because she's diminutive), analysed the death out of a couple of email chains in an attempt to help Miss DimiPheebs decipher the double meanings in the many emails exchanged between her and Mr Desirable ("do you think he likes me??"), concluded that it was just too early days yet, before meeting up with Pony to come together for Lamington Shipp's fiance's birthday.

We enjoyed Vietnamese wraps, Vodka Cruisers, a brilliant lunar eclipse and some plain old good conversation. One of the nicest evenings of the month.

[Mr Shipp (furthest left), Lamington Shipp (third form the left) and the rest of us:]

[Amazing lunar eclipse that hit at around 1 am]

[The happy couple at the end of a long, lovely night:]

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