Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Because that's how I roll...

Today I sent my sister an email saying:

I got a poppy seed stuck in my teeth so I tried to get it out with a piece of hair, but it kept breaking. Then I tried to use a post-it to wedge it out, but then post-it got stuck in my teeth (like real pressure so I could actually feel it in the gap) so then I got a tea bag and used the string as floss. The string broke in half, but at least it got the poppy seed out. Now I'm drinking tea I made using the broken tea bag. Yeah.

For the record, the strand of hair was from my head and for the second record, it was clean because I washed my hair last night and I washed it before using it as quasi-floss.

My sister replied drily with:

You're a retardo.

I'm tired man. Today cos the courier couldn't get the silks folder to us fast enough I had 10 minutes to merge and chronologically order 2 large white lever arch folders with each other. I think I pulled a knee muscle!

Clearly, there are more pressing matters in the world than the poppy seed stuck in between my two front teeth, but I gave myself kudos for the improvisation and ultimately, success in dislodging the slippery little seed.


Anonymous said...

Hahha that made me laugh out loud! Mostly because I spent all day yesterday with a little fleck of baby spinach over my front tooth, like a flap. I found it in the bathroom mirror in the evening. Nobody had told me. I'd spoken to people I don't know very well, yawned, generally was very smiley all day - and nobody said a thing!

And I hadn't even eaten spinach?? wtf?

Never underestimate food-in-teeth issues... total sympathy!!


C'est Moi: Just another 20-something said...

hahaha oh debz, the flap is the worst- as in, part of it gets stuck in the rivet where your tooth ends and your gum starts and that's why it "flaps" hey? And green spinachy stuff is so visible! I don't GET people who don't broach food-in-teeth issues, because really, the person being told they need to remove it isn't offended...they're just mildly mortified, but it's still fine. I reckon we should create a social norm where amongst other things, it's okay to alert people to food in teeth, undone flys and boogas protruding from nostrils. You with me?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm with you.

Also: little tails of toilet paper stuck to the heels of shoes...

C'est Moi: Just another 20-something said...

Yeah! Also: crusty eye poo that's floated down to the bridge of someone's nose!