Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cloud Boulevard.

This weekend I went to Melbourne and Man from Mars and I went on an epic voyage to Phillip Island. I'll fill you in on that tomorrow because in the spirit of Australia Day, it isn't fair to do a half baked recount given all the penguins, Australian birds, wallabies and flora we saw.

For now, I'll follow on from Ms Calmfarm's appreciation of all things cloudy, dreamy and dramatic and let you bask in the flight that was Friday night, Sydney to Melbourne- when blue skies turned to dusk as the plane leapt off the edge of the clouds and into the city.

[Some serious cumulonimbus:]

[Dusk falls:]

[Off Cloud 9 and back to Real Life:]

[And the sunset as we hit the tarmac:]

Meanwhile, it was Miss DB's birthday yesterday:

HAPPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MISS DB! Me love you long time!