Friday, September 30, 2011

24 September 2011- Melbourne

6:30 am- Back in Melbourne- Customs takes ages and we get out at 7:45 am. It’s freezing cold (12 degrees).

My first thought when we hit the road to Man from Mars' house: Australia has lots of gum trees, space and the wide open air is so refreshing. The sky also looks heaps higher and ten times more blue. We’re exhausted and I’m damn straight glad to be home. Can’t deny that Australia rocks. But at the same time, what a fabulous adventure it’s been.

At one point, Man from Mars gets up from in front of the television (where we park ourselves for the better part of the day). He announces that he’s going to cut up some oranges, do I want some? For shizz, I confirm, and he shuffles off to get them.

He’s so tired that he mistakes pink grapefruit for orange. As he slumps back, he mumbles all worriedly: I thought it was an orange, but it was a grapefruit. I don’t believe him and think he’s just having another blonde culinary moment, but for once he’s absolutely right- the grapefruit really does look like an orange.

[Such deceptive orange looking peel:]

[And you flip it over and.... it's a grapefruit!]

We eat our grapefruit and oranges, watch some more tv before going to bed.

One final flight to Sydney tomorrow and then it’s really home time.

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